  1. PASSENGERS ARE FULLY PROTECTED - the FROG-XT range gives passengers the safest experience, it protects against the 4 key risks of personnel transfer: heavy landings, side impacts, immersion and falling

  2. COST EFFECTIVE - the FROG-XT range provides value for money with a long product lifespan and is cost effective to freight, inspect and maintain

  3. INNOVATIVE & CUTTING EDGE DESIGN - 20 years experience and over 12,000 hours of product development have gone into the design and development of the FROG-XT range

  4. TESTED TO THE LIMIT - the range has undergone full-scale immersion, self-righting, impact and free-fall testing. Testing was conducted both at Reflex Marine’s facility at Barcelona Harbour and at NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory in Texas

  5. FULLY CERTIFIED - In addition to the whole range being CE marked, the FROG-XT is manufactured with an IS0 9001:2008 quality management system

  6. EXTREME PERFORMANCE - the FROG-XT range has been designed to operate in extreme conditions in regards to wave height, wind speed and temperature range. This reduces operational downtime

  7. A CHOICE OF CAPACITIES - the FROG-XT comes in 4, 6 and 10 person capacities. This provides operators with a flexible solution to meet their personnel transfer requirements

  8. LONG LIFESPAN - lasting up to 12 years depending on usage

  9. MEDEVAC CAPABILITIES - all units can accommodate a stretcher with an accompanying passenger, which enables the safe emergency evacuation of casualties

  10. TRACK RECORD - since the range was launched in 2014, there are already units in operation in over 28 countries for a variety of different applications including routine, high volume and contingency personnel transfer operations  SEE_HOW_OTHERS_ARE_USING_THE_FROG-XT

The FROG-XT Range